Knowing the Struggle is Over Blog Tour

K.M., the title of your book is, Knowing The Struggle Is Over! which is very fitting for the current economic situation. I know some people may be wondering, though, what exactly is the struggle?
Honestly, I get that question often. The struggle is not your typical financial situation, or necessarily an addiction that I am speaking of. Though those are two great examples, a struggle is actually any situation, trial or tribulation you may find yourself in. When you find yourself in a struggle, it often means that you have come to a point where you must make a decision and ultimately a choice! I say this with the understanding that everything we do daily is a choice. Whether or not we say or do something is a decision that we as a person have consciously made on our own, regardless if it is wrong or right.
In your book you tell the reader that they can get through any struggle in just three steps! So what are these three steps?
The first step is to Stop Complaining. Now I must admit I did say you can get through your struggle in just three steps, but I never said it would be easy! 😉 During this first step we are focusing on renewing our mind, and changing the way we view the things that are happening to us. Oftentimes, we become so caught up in the world around us that we forget about the God within us! The second step is to Let Go and Let God. For myself this was the hardest step. Mainly because I had NO idea what it meant to literally “Let Go and Let God!” Once I had an understanding, it became a natural sequence in restoring my faith in God in regards to my situation. The third step is to Acknowledge Him. Some may see that as easy and obvious, but how often do we “know” what to do and still we “don’t” do it! You have to develop a major spirit of praise and give Him ALL of the glory for everything big and small. The noticeable things in our lives we always seem to give Him the glory, but God is truly in the details as well! When we begin to pay attention, and notice how He is moving and working in our lives, that is when we can truly praise Him! And a praise like that becomes a sincere and spirit filled praise! It’s not forced, and you won’t even have to second guess.
How did God lead you to writing this book?
It’s funny and I talk about this at the beginning of my book, but at the beginning I received revelation on my drive home to Gulfport, Ms. from Houston, TX for Christmas. I was on I10 somewhere in Louisiana, and I began praying about my situation. As I finished praying, I remember thinking, “I should write a book.” Now what is interesting is that not only did God impress upon me the strong desire to write a book, but He also gave me the title, and contents during that drive! By the time I had made it to my mother’s house, I was so excited because I knew I was about to write this book called, “Knowing The Struggle Is Over” and I was going to have three steps that would help you accomplish just that! If I were a writer this wouldn’t have sounded so crazy! 😉 I never really had a true interest in writing an actual book before then. The only thing I had ever considered prior to that day was writing a children’s fiction book, or maybe a few songs/poems. A non-fiction book? Absolutely NOT!
Why did you feel that it was so important to write a book about getting through a struggle?
At first I was excited because I had heard God! I mean, at the time I had been praying and constantly, but I that was the first time I could remember Him telling me to do something outside of my situation. This was around the time I began to understand “how” to be obedient. You see I also realized that what I was going through, and even what I had gone through in the past, was not for me alone, but to share with others. It’s great to learn from your own mistakes, but it”s even better when you can learn from someone else’s! I also realized that I wasn’t in a bad place, I was just looking in the wrong place! In order to truly overcome my situations my faith had to be stronger. The bible tells us that every man is given a measure of faith, and in another scripture it tells us that all we have to have is faith the grain of a mustard seed, but I began to realize that it is easy to forget you even have that faith sometimes! So I had to find a way to get it back, each and every time, it started to look as if it wanted to disappear! Most of the time we stay in a situation because we don’t know what choice or decision to make that will get us out!
Please share anything else that would help us understand the writing of your book and how it helps others.
I truly just would like for your readers to know that with everything you go through, God is preparing you for the next level He wants to take you to in life. Sometimes we think that we have a relationship and we know who God is, and we really don’t. Just because you spent time with Him last week doesn’t mean you can ignore Him this week. To better understand how He works and is working in our lives we have to continuously strive for a closer, more intimate relationship with Him daily! God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean to put limits on Him, that just means to trust Him. If He did it before then surely He will do it again! We begin to lose faith because we aren’t spending enough time getting to know Him. You get through your situations, by restoring your faith and developing a closer relationship with God. Everyone has an area in their relationship with God where their faith is not at the level it COULD be! If your faith is a 10 on a 1-10 scale, then strive for a 15. All this will do is help you see the other side much more clearer. Then you will find that when you are in your situation you have a confidence, and renewed peace, with an unimaginable strength to make it through!
How can readers get their hands on their own copy of this miraculous book to help them restore their faith in God?
There are several options. My book is available on both my blog:, and my author site: You can also go to the ordering desk at your favorite local bookstore and have it within a few short days! It is also offered on various online stores. Regardless of how you get your copy, the most important thing is that you get your copy! This is a great way to revive your thinking and restore your faith!
PLEASE NOTE: A complimentary copy of this book was provided to the blog host by the author in exchange for posting this interview on their blog. Please visit Christian Speaker Services at for more information about their blog tour management services.

April 3, 2010 at 12:51 am Leave a comment

Ronald K. Gray – Enter to Worship – Exit To Serve Blog Tour

What is the book about? While the book’s title puts it in the praise and worship section in book stores, the book is more about the total life of the believer. Nehemiah10:39 is the core scripture for the book’s teachings. Nehemiah had gone to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and also rebuilt the temple, restoring worship to the people. Worship was centered around sacrifice. I use the different groups pictured in Nehemiah to talk about fundamental areas of the believers life. The scripture says they would not forsake the temple of God. We have forsaken the house of God today. We are so busy with our agendas, we have left the true reason for worship. God is looking for something real from our lives, not just our words.

Why Enter to Worship and Exit to Serve? The life of the believer comes from our life in God. We bring to Him a sacrifice of our monies, our gifts, our fruit and lay it at His feet. The premise for most Christians today is what can God do for them instead of how can I worship God with all that is within me. The scriptures teach us that everyone has something to offer. When we worship in the fullness of our lives, God then fills us to be able to affect our world. We then exit to serve God through proclaiming His Word, serving those around us and exalting His name in all the earth. Everything we do in church is to help us fulfill God’s calling on our lives in the world.

Why do you talk about money? The very first thing that was brought into the temple was an offering of grain or corn. This is symbolic of money. I go to Kenya every year and they trade their corn for other items such as meat, oil, etc. God is interested in our money. He speaks of money more than He does either prayer or heaven. I think there has been a lot of negative about money and there has been a lot of error through the years. I hope that what I teach in the book is balanced. Many pastors have said this teaching has helped their churches understand the truth about tithes, first fruits and seed offerings.

What do you think is the most important chapter of the book? In over 35 years of full time ministry, I have never heard anyone else teach about porters. In Nehemiah 10:39 it lists porters between priest and singers. I thought that was very interesting and researched porters. It is basically a janitor. So between priests and porters are janitors. Servants that do the basics. People who do ordinary things to keep ministries going. God wants servants. That is a concept that is lost in the big time world of church ministries today. Jesus came to serve. I believe that we can make a difference in our community, our neighborhoods, and our world if we are willing to lay our lives down to serve God.

What do you hope to accomplish with your book? I hope that ordinary believers will recognize they have something to offer. We can bring our monies and touch the nations. We can bring our gifts and see the power of God touch people and their needs. We can offer our fruit and not wait for the pastors or elders, but be instruments to bring life to those around us who are seeking a relevant relationship with Jesus. The five fold ministries of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher were never supposed to do everything in the church. The church is supposed to be equipped for ministry. Everyone should be able to proclaim the message and everyone should have praise for the God we serve. That should not happen just on Sunday mornings between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. We should be able to give God praise in our homes and throughout the week. I truly believe this can be the church’s finest hour.

Where are these resources available to purchase? You can obtain this book and many other resources on my web site at

Are there other available resources connected with this book? Yes, I taught my book at a conference and had it professionally recorded on video and audio. These sessions are great for small groups and Bible studies. There is a Study Guide to help the leader go through the sessions. The book and the video provide different insights that will help people to grow into maturity.

March 25, 2010 at 3:32 pm Leave a comment

Even with My Issues Book Review

Even with Issues encourages Christian to get active in ministry despite the obstacles they are facing. Dr. Wanda Turner encourages reader to seek God for help with defects of character. She opens the book discussing the woman with the issue of blood. She reminds us that it was her faith in God that healed her. In the first chapter she defines what an issue is. In the next eight chapters Dr. Turner discusses the issues of pride, fear, lack, failure and several others issues that deal with insecurity.
She shares personal excerpts in several chapters and then provides a biblical example of the issue and discusses the root cause which deals with some form of insecurity. Even with my Issues is written in every day language. Dr. Turner does  not reveal too much personal information when discussing her defects of character. If she provided more transparency the personal excerpts would be more beneficial


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February 23, 2010 at 4:21 am Leave a comment

8 Suggestions to help Authors with promoting their book

  1. Once you decide to write a book you should began planning your marketing . Even if you have a team behind you no one is as excited about selling your book as you are.
  2. Research your area, read the Arts and Entertainment section of your local news paper and get familiar with journalist that cover the that area.
    Join local writers organizations they are a wealth of resources about everything in the writing process.
  3. After you have decided on the title of the book or selected a pen name consider research and see if that domain name is available. Next you should either build a website, web blog or both.
  4. Began to create your  author’s media kit, which includes your bio, pitch letter, book excerpts, photo book cover, question and answers, press release and reviews.
  5. Set up your social networking accounts ( Face Book , My Space and Ning Networks). On face book and My Space set up a page for your book.
  6. Check out book blogs and make friends with bloggers, who you think might want be a guest host for your virtual book blog tour. If you are not internet savvy or do not have time check out book blog services.
  7. About 60 days before your book is available set up links to pre sales on your website and blog. Write your press release and use various distribution channels.
  8. About 30 days prior to release began your virtual book tour.

February 11, 2010 at 5:26 pm Leave a comment

She Did What She Could Blog Tour with Elisa Morgan

What is the premise behind your new book, She Did What She Could?shedidwhatshecould_140

Most of us care deeply about the needs around us – poverty, injustice, everyday concerns of those in our families and in our offices and in our neighborhoods. But faced with the challenges of getting food on the table and children to and from activities and keeping up with our jobs etc, we feel more than a little overwhelmed. Who has the time or the energy to start another nonprofit or to participate in yet another celebrity-help-the-world-athon? We conclude we have to do something BIG to make a difference. Not true. We don’t have to do something BIG to make a difference. In a Bible story where Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus with a beautiful gift of perfume before his death, Jesus applauds her action saying, “She did what she could.” We can make a difference every day by simply doing what we could in the given moment before us.

When did the idea for this book/movement come to you?

I’d been reading what I call the “Girl Stories” in the gospels – stories where a woman is the main character. I was stopped in my tracks by Mary’s acting out her love for Jesus and by his pairing her action with the gospel. Mary lived loved. She acted out her faith by doing something with who she was and what she had in a moment that mattered. At the same time I was reading that story, I was suddenly overwhelmed by issues in our world like the HIV-AIDS pandemic and poverty and needs everywhere I turned. I began to think about the power of one of us acting and then another and another. I began to prayerfully wonder – what if I did what I could – just like Mary did? And then each of us did what we could? The whole world could be changed!

What percentage of church members are active in ministry?

It’s reported that 20% of the people do 80% of the work.

What reasons do you think members have for not serving?

Lots of folks don’t participate due to the busyness of life and the perception that unless we do something BIG it won’t make a difference. We feel guilty that we can’t do MORE. We feel inadequate because we aren’t more godly – or because of something hidden in our past. We feel incompetent because we aren’t trained. We’re tired and overwhelmed. And then there’s the fact that lots of us aren’t even “members” of a church. We’re not sure what to do with church – even though we love Jesus. We have a million struggles that keep us from “doing”. SDWSC gives a bite-size offering to everyone to participate in living out our faith and making a difference.

Do you feel that many church members are intimidated by those who are very involved at church?
You bet. If you’re not in the “in crowd” or gifted with public gifs like teaching or are marginalized in some way, it’s WAY intimidating to step up and say, ”Hey, I’d like to help.” SDWSC welcomes ALL to join in and act. It refreshes those who are weary in well-doing as well.

In the book, you point out that this message of everyone doing what they can is Biblical. What story are you referring to specifically?

The story is told in Mark 14 but is also told in Matthew and John as well. Just before Jesus’ death on the cross for the sins of all humankind, Mary of Bethany took a jar of nard, a very expensive perfume, and poured it on Jesus – as a symbol of anointing his body before his death. In a moment when the gesture would mean the most to him. You get the impression that Mary hadn’t really planned out this action. It seems more spontaneous. And while the nard was expensive, that wasn’t the main point. Mary acted out of her understanding that Jesus really was the Christ and he really loved her. She wanted to give back. She took what she had – nard – and acted with it in a moment that mattered to Jesus and to the world. She did what she could.

You’ve shared your message with the MOPS organization. What has the response been so far to the SDWSC (She Did What She Could) movement?

Moms are passionate about being the best moms they can be. They’re also passionate to make a difference in their world. They know that they may not be able to do something GIANT in the day to day of raising children. SDWSC gives them a methodology for acting in a way that matters in their daily lives. With a neighbor or a coworker. With a child. To care for the earth. To reach out to someone who has less and needs more. Moms have pasted the SDWSC flare on their Facebook pages and are telling the SDWSC stories, encouraging others to do what they can as well.

How do you hope churches and ministries will use your message to mobilize their members?

Those who’ve never served can be invited to join in with the practical – doable – message of SDWSC. And those who are weary in well-doing can be encouraged that Jesus doesn’t ask us to do EVERYTHING or ALL we could but rather WHAT we could do.

How do you hope readers can change their lives with your message?

She did what she could (SDWSC) is a mantra that rules my days as opportunities come before me. I run each through the grid of SDWSC. Is it something that I can uniquely handle? Is it a moment that matters NOW? Will I make a difference if I do WHAT I could – not ALL or EVERYTHING I could? I hope and pray that readers will do the same. She did what she could. When I do what I could and you do what you could and we do what we could – we can change the world. We can be the body of Christ in action, on the earth, demonstrating individually and together what it means to live loved.Morgan_Elisa_BT-trans

September 17, 2009 at 8:25 pm Leave a comment

Blog tour Letting Go with Sandy Hancock

sandy_hancock_BTQuestion: What inspired you to write Letting Go, Pathway to an Amazing Life?
Answer: I have had a personal relationship with God most of my life. I attended church, prayed daily, participated in church activities, etc. I knew Jesus offers joy and peace. Yet happiness in my life seemed to come and go. There had to be more to life. I heard others say you will have happiness if you have a relationship with God. I had a relationship with Him yet something was missing. Then I went through what I call a “wilderness experience”. This is a time of hardship in which there is nothing we can do to help ourselves. We discover we must let go of our grip on anything in our life that we are seeking to find satisfaction from and embrace the life God called us to live. Experiencing a wilderness experience changed my focus and my life. What resulted is a strong desire to tell what I discovered to all who are on the same pursuit for happiness that I was on.
Question: Letting Go, is an intriguing title. Why did you choose it?
Answer: We tend to hold onto the things we think will bring us contentment. In my life I held onto my dreams and desires. I believed they would provide me the happiness I sought. Yet everything I pursued failed to bring meaning to my life. It was not until I reached a point that I realized that my own pursuing was not working that I was able to let go and surrender all to God. It was at this point that my life changed. It was in letting go that I began to find true joy and peace in my life.
Question: How can reading your book have an impact on the reader’s life?
Answer: As you travel with me on my journey to find contentment, I share the secrets I discovered to have inner peace and true joy. I encourage the reader to let go of the obstacles in their life that hinders them from experiencing the abundant life Jesus wants all of us to have. Further, fundamental truths are revealed that guides the reader to a closer walk with God.
Question: How did you become a Christian?
Answer: My parents made the decision to enroll me in a Christian school. My parents did not know God, but they knew the value of a good education. They felt a Christian school would give me a better education. It was at school that I learned who Jesus is and about the love of God. I value those days and the valuable lessons I learned. Those lessons were what would get me through many challenges in my future.
Question: You speak of joy and peace in your book. In what way did you find these?
Answer: For most of my life, my eyes were focused on my life, my circumstances, my dreams and desires. Once I let go of these and put my focus on drawing closer to the Lord and embracing His desires, my life began to have meaning. When I stopped placing confidence in myself to find happiness and started having God-confidence, He brought me an inner peace and joy that I had previously only had glimpses of. My circumstances did not change but how I felt inside did.

Question: Was there a pivotal point that changed your life?
Answer: My childhood held a lot of precious memories. It was during my childhood that I grew to have a special love for family. It was a place where you belong; a place you can count on, or so I thought.
During my junior high years my family started to come apart. Investments my dad made put a strain on his marriage with my mother. Finally my dad stopped coming home. My world was turned upside down. The family I knew and loved was gone. All I depended on was no more. What I was left with was my pursuit to have a loving family again. It became my life’s goal.
In my pursuit I would meet several men; a few that were good to me and many who were not. I ended up in some pretty awful circumstances at times. Yet I just hung on. I believed so deeply that if I could just meet that special one, I would be happy at last. Then one day I did or so I thought. That man became my husband. Then four days before Christmas he walked into our bedroom and said there was a U-Haul in the driveway and he was moving out. I could barely breathe. The pain was intense. This is what I had waited for all my life. This marriage was supposed to bring me happiness. And there were many times it did. But in the end I was left empty and alone.
For most of my life my focus was in finding Mr. Right. I believed once I did I would my life would be complete. When my husband walked out, I realized all my pursuing only left me broken and without hope. I saw following my own pursuits was futile. It was at this point that God was then able to show me a much deeper love than I had ever experienced and I was able to let go.
Question: How has your book been received from its readers?
Answer: Here are some excerpts of what others have said after reading my book.

“Phenomenal book! From her personal experience, Ms. Hancock gives inspired counsel on how to have a truly amazing life. Her insight often goes against the modern cultural norm, and challenges popular notions by taking us back to basic concepts that have been known and have worked for millennia. A must read, if you dare. Warning! Do not read this book if you’re happy and content with just miserably existing in this world. You will be challenged.”

“This book has a great message to anyone who reads it. The author shares many of her life stories plus a great pathway to happiness. It is a true must have for any Christian reader. The book holds your interest from chapter to chapter.”
“As an avid reader of mostly non-religious books, I was pleasantly surprised how much liked this one. I found “Letting Go” to flow smoothly between scripture and the stories of the author and others. This is a REAL story, from a very REAL person who takes us on a journey through her trials & tribulations of looking for her “true love”. She would come to discover that the only “true love” can be found in Jesus Christ. This is a terrific book about life and living it to its fullest. A very inspiring book to readers of any denomination and I recommend it highly.”

Question: Are you associated with any other organizations you would care to share with our readers?
I have partnered with Inspire Life Skills Training, Inc ( They inspire young adults who are aging-out of the foster care system to become independent. Half of the proceeds from the sale of this book is given to them.
Foster youth face enormous challenges in making a smooth transition to adulthood and building successful lives. These young people often leave the foster care system with few resources and very little support. Often they have suffered physically and emotionally from the lack of a stable and supportive family. As a result it is common for these youth to face homelessness, limited education, unemployment, incarceration, substance abuse and unwanted pregnancy.
Question: Can you tell us a little bit about your personal life?

Answer: I currently reside in Southern California. I am the Director of Amazing Life Ministries which gives me the opportunity to travel throughout the country and minister to people. I have two grown sons, David and Jeremiah. I love the outdoors. Some of the activities that I enjoy participating in is skiing, hiking, camping, bicycling, and scuba diving.

Question: How can our readers purchase your book?

Answer: It can be purchased directly from my website at Also it can be bought from several online bookstores.

Thank you for your time and May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.

August 7, 2009 at 1:59 pm Leave a comment

Kathryn Bonner Confessions of a Pastor’s Wife blog tour

kathrynbonner_BTKathryn, when and how did you first get the inspiration to write “Confessions Of A Pastor’s Wife”?

I write about this in the intro of the book. It was literally like a burning bush moment for me. In 2004 God gave me all of the chapter titles all at once. He was literally speaking this book into me! I never expected it! It’s one of the reasons the subtitle is “He Speaks, Can You Hear Him?” I literally ran into my office and grabbed my prayer journal and began writing all of the chapter titles down as fast as He was delivering them to me. They came in perfect speed – it was overwhelming and awesome! I stood there in amazement staring at each chapter title – knowing what would be in every single chapter! Of course, immediately thereafter began to have all of the feelings of being unable, unworthy, and unqualified to do this work. But it was God who gave it to me and He who made the way for it to be completed.

What was the process of writing this book work? Was this an all-at-once kind of epiphany or did this take years in the making, collecting thoughts and ultimately putting them together?

I mentioned before how God gave me the book to write in 2004, but it wasn’t until 2006 that I really began to write it. He had to build my faith further, nudging me along. One of the ways in which He continued the prompting was that He provided me with a life coach to hold me accountable, to push me. Then once I finally surrendered all of the self-doubt, unworthiness and fears I began standing it this beautiful place of faith, with His power. He gave me a joy around it and then I began to write. It was like opening up a vein, it just began to flow. There were times when I couldn’t pull myself away from the writing, that’s when the writing is great! That’s when you feel the power of God, the Holy Spirit moving through you, Him speaking. That’s the gift He gives me in it. I am so thankful for this gift. It’s all from Him, all of it. I love it.

One of the chapters in your book that is titled “Discovering God” you say that there are “moments when God speaks to you through your dreams” does God still speak to you in your dreams?

Oh yes, He sure does, and I hope He never stops! He also speaks to my husband in dreams. Dreams seem to be one of the ways He has revealed major transactions that are headed our way. He speaks profoundly to me through the dreams. It’s not every day, but when it happens it’s intense. In the book I write about some of the dreams He has given me that have come to pass. He’s also done so with Bruce.

You talk about the many ways in which God speaks to us, do you hear His voice as an audible voice or is it an inner sensing voice? Also can you share a few ways in which God speaks and reveals Himself to us, while backing this up through Scripture?

I don’t hear Him in an audible voice, it’s an inner voice that I hear Him, and I hear Him through His Word. Some Biblical references in which God speaks to us are: Exodus 3:14: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” ACTS 9:15: “But the Lord said to Ananias, ‘Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.’” 2 Timothy 3:16-17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

The book frequently takes a humorous approach; I found the chapter titled “The Bug Truck to be deep and absolutely hilarious all at the same time. It has a kind of an intimate “ya ya sisters” kind of thing? Do you think of your book as something that will appeal more to women than to men? Why or why not?

Women love it, and they laugh as they fly through the pages and then they cry as they land on the very next sentence. It’s been very soul stirring. You know, at first I thought that it would have an appeal mainly to women; however, I am getting incredible feedback and actual responses from men. Men are really able to relate to this book on numerous levels. They have shared how parts of it have essentially moved them emotionally as well. This book is about marriage, talks about becoming a blended family, and talks a lot about Bruce and his approach to our marriage, speaks to raising our children, financial concerns, and being a supportive partnership in marriage. So it has been speaking volumes to men, which I am glad to hear… God is good.

confessions_cover_140How did your husband Bruce support your efforts with the book?

Bruce was totally supportive. He was an encourager to me. He prayed for me, he knew that this was something new for me and he enjoyed the process along with me. I think he was rather fascinated with the way that God had spoken this book into me.

Was he at all curious of just how much “confessing” appears in the book?

I’m sure he was a bit, but interestingly enough he wasn’t asking to read it, he wasn’t asking me what I was writing. I found that interesting, because if it were him writing a book, I know that my curiosity would get to me, I’d want to read each page as it was written. He didn’t do that at all. He just watched me as I wrote, sat back and smiled at it all.

What do you think is the essence of what you felt compelled to say?

Oh wow, that feels like a loaded question! There are so many things regarding faith, family, how God moves and so much more. I think the two main things that I want people to recognize is how God uses each of us, and the other thing would be the most beautiful and profound ways He speaks to us. He uses you to speak into my life, into my heart, to hear Him. This book is a portion of my life story, (not all of it certainly and there are more books to come). In this non-fiction faith story, you will find pieces of your very own faith story as you turn the pages, you will hear the quiet whispers being spoken lovingly straight into your very own ears. God has a way of speaking; He has a desire to be heard, and to be trusted by us. He has such wonderful and glorious things to reveal to us, not only through His powerful Word, but also through all of His people. I am compelled by God to share the ways in which HE SPEAKS to us, all of the many and wondrous ways… through Dreams, through Wise Counsel, through the Stillness of Meditation Alone in our Closets, through The Whisper of the Wind, through a Bumper Sticker, through Children, through the Clouds, and in so many other ways! None of them are farfetched at all! I want it to be known how the Holy Spirit works, in the holy and mysterious ways. He wants us to hear Him so He uses the multifaceted ways to grab us, ways that He knows we will hear. The Bible reveals to all of us many of the ways He speaks. Through Clouds, through Donkeys, through Burning bushes and the list goes on and on. Our lives are a walk of faith, struggle, joy, and more struggles and more faith, but we are never alone, never without El Roi – Our God who sees us.

How has the book been received so far by those who have read it?

It’s been really cool for me. My sister called after she read it and said “Wow, I’m so surprised, pleasantly surprised!” She didn’t realize the writing ability that I had; I laughed and said that I had no idea either. My mom and dad love it, and of course they would. My mother-in-law raves about it and says I should be on Oprah, which makes me laugh. Bruce loves it, of course. My kids adore it; my sons-in-law enjoy it and are proud of me, Of course each of my family members would respond that way. What has been wonderful to see though is all the reader responses on and Barnes and Noble, all give it 5 Star ratings, even men have made comments on it. The other blessings are the emails and calls and notes that I have received telling me how the book has moved them, how it’s spoken to them, increased their faith walk, made sense in areas of their lives where they needed that exact Word from God. Others, tell me that there are so many places that they can relate, and still others tell me that they feel like they know me better, and understand the way that God Speaks because of it. This is the essence of the book, and speaks directly to the subtitle “HE SPEAKS CAN YOU HEAR HIM?”

What, in your opinion, will readers find most surprising about the life of a pastor’s wife?

That we are just as human as they are, we make mistakes. I will make more mistakes, certainly not intentionally, just because I am human. I am very honest and candid in sharing my truth, my life, and my confessions of when and how I have messed up, done things the wrong way and what I’ve learned from it. I think that they can have certain expectations of who we are as a “Pastor’s Wife” or who we should be, that in reality we just aren’t. And yet, they may also find that to be refreshing. I am a leader among women, and enjoy that role, and I am a woman who loves the Lord with every inch of myself and want so badly for the world to love Him as much as I do. I hope that they find me to be normal, very real, and see that I am trying to walk out my faith the best I can. They may be surprised to note that in my daily living I am a bit ditsy, (OK, maybe that won’t really be surprising! 🙂

What are your plans for the future in the publishing world? Think you have any more books in you?

Oh yes, there are at least four more to come. I have also written a Bible Study Companion to this book, it’s in the first stages of completion. I have written a guided Biblical Meditation titled “In The Potters Hand” which is derived from Jeremiah 18:1-5, and it is beautiful, and profound and straight from God. It can be found on I am also in the beginning stages of the second book now. This is truly a calling the Lord has placed right in the middle of my heart.

What else does God have you doing these days Kathryn, and how can our readers connect with you?

I am in the process of writing more books, and just finished the Bible Study Companion to this book. I am a Life Purpose Coach, and I do two day 1-1 individual retreats facilitating Life Plans for women, the part I love is which is an amazing thing to witness, is when a women discovers her purpose and passion. My husband also does Life Plans for men. We do couples’ Life Plans as well. I am an instructor through LPCCI for those who are interested in becoming a Life Coach. I am an international speaker and enjoy traveling to the various parts of the world encouraging and sharing the wonders of God! My websites are (based on Isaiah 50:5 “He awakens me morning by morning…) and I am putting together Writers Retreat in September for Christian Women. They can register for this retreat and find out more about this opportunity by going to my website

July 27, 2009 at 1:15 pm Leave a comment

Linda Newton “12 Ways to Turn Your Pain Into Praise: Biblical Steps to Wholeness in Christ” Blog Tour


Opening: I’m delighted to be here with you sharing about something that puts wind in my sails—helping people heal from emotional pain and lead empowered lives.

What a timely book, 12 WAYS TO TURN YOUR PAIN INTO PRAISE: BIBLICAL STEPS TO WHOLENESS IN CHRIST! With our current economic and political climate we certainly need steps to turn our pain into praise.

I agree. I find that the same tools that help us deal with our damaged past can guide us through an insecure future. I wrote this book to help people who feel “stuck” because of the dysfunction, divorce, depression, abuse, grief and guilt in their lives, but I am walking through these same principals each day in my counseling office with folks who are dealing with the difficulties of job loss, anxiety, and marriage issues in a struggling economy.

You’re a counselor and an abuse survivor. Will you tell us a little of your story?

I grew up in the deep South and I wish I could say we spent happy hours saying, “Yes Ma’am” and “No Sir” and “Good Night, John-Boy.” But nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, I was ten years old before I realized that God’s last name wasn’t damn! My Daddy took off when I was five, and raising four kids alone brought out the worst in my mother. She became abusive with a bust-your-lip, black-your-eye kind of punishment–the kind of pain that stings your face for a while but sears your soul for a lifetime.

The neighbor-lady from across the street took me to church, I found Christ and He changed my life. That church helped me get to Christian college. On my quest for my own healing, I became a Christian counselor and have had the privilege of working with God’s precious people for the past seventeen years in my office at a growing church in California.

You talk about one of those people, Donnetta Jean, as she moves through the steps to get the healing that she needs. Is she a real person?

Donnetta represents the many damaged people in today’s postmodern culture—distanced by pain from the God they desperately need.

When I read a self-help book, I love to see personal examples of the tools presented, but I find myself wondering how the person in the example turns out. In 12 Ways you get to walk through the process from start to finish as you see the healing of Donnetta Jean unfold. Then you know the path for your own healing.

You started each chapter with a word that starts with the letter “P.” That had to take some work.

Each chapter is one of the steps, and I did that to make them easy to remember. I’m at the stage of life when I stop and think and forget to start up again! Alliteration helps things stick in my head.

My first “P” is Perspective. Chapter 3 and 4 include Prayer and the Power we find in God’s Word. They are pivotal parts of recovery, to be sure, but until we adjust our perspective to see what’s good in life, we can’t reap the benefit of prayer and scripture reading. Before I shifted my perspective, God could have parked a burning bush by my front door to convince me of His love, and I would have stamped out the fire and complained about the inconvenience! It took a long time for me to train myself to see the cup half full instead of always seeing it half empty. But without that fundamental change, it wouldn’t matter how much God intervened in my life to bring good, I wouldn’t see it as such.

Can you share the rest of your chapter titles?12WAYS_175

1. Predicament: Donnetta Jean Jones
2. Perspective: Honey Let Me Tell Ya
3. Power: I Got a Rock (Which tells us what the Bible says about us.)
4. Prayer: Present In His Presence
5. People: We’re In This Together
6. Patience: Locust Lunch
7. Plan: Jesus In the Rearview Mirror
8. Pardon: The Healing Power of Forgiveness
9. Provision: Jettisoning Emotional Baggage
10. Priorities: Making the Main Thing the Main Thing
11. Passion: Warts and All
12. Purpose: The Real Thing
Epilogue–Praise: Chocolate Chip Muffins.

This book can serve as a workbook for the reader as well, right?

Yes, at the end of each chapter, I’ve included an exercise titled, “Truster Reconstructer” to help the reader pause, ponder and personalize each step. I told you I like alliteration! If you complete the exercises in this book you will have the equivalent of 12 sessions of therapy. At the national average of $80 an hour, the price of one book is quite deal! But don’t stop with just one book. 12 Ways works as a powerful small group study. Each chapter presents an obstacle to faith and the scriptural solutions for that obstacle. Women have shared with me they feel like it is equivalent to 12 weeks of applicable Bible study.

In your chapter on People, your mentioned the importance of confidence only you didn’t call it self-esteem. You called it “Jesus-teem.” What does that look like?

We have heard enough over the past few years about self-esteem, but Scripture tells us that when we embrace the Lord’s view of ourselves, we’re free to be comfortable in our own skin. God’s view of us is revealed in his Word and through the compliments of others. In chapter 3 about the Power we find in the Bible, I have included a page full of verses with the personal pronouns left out and a blank space provided for you to write in your name. That way you can take ownership of each verse, let it soak into your soul, and change the way you feel about yourself. When we can fully get our heads around how God feels about us, it changes the way we feel about ourselves. That’s Jesus-teem!

You mentioned compliments defining us. Can you explain that?

My old pastor used to say that compliments are bouquets thrown from the hand of God.
When we don’t take the compliments given to us, it’s as though we are ripping the heads off the flowers God has given us, throwing them to the ground, and stomping them. Compliments are God’s way of telling us who we are. When we receive them it builds our confidence in the qualities and gifts He’s given us. But when we don’t, we remain static and self-critical.

I took those words to heart and stopped dismissing compliments some twenty years ago. In that time God has had the opportunity to remake my self-image. Before that I had to climb a ladder to look an ant in the eye!

“Jesus in the Rearview Mirror,” now there’s a title. Tell us about that chapter.

God has a plan for us, but many times the view we have of what is happening around us as we cruise through life is often challenging, even frightening. From our viewpoint, looking through the windshield, we only see calamity, but all the while God is working. Later, when we look back over our lives, as we peer into the rearview mirror, we are able to see the Plan that God was working out all along. Recognizing God’s plan builds our faith.

In your chapter on Pardon you share about the healing power of forgiveness. It’s not always easy to forgive someone who has caused us pain. Was that difficult for you?

It was one of the hardest things I had to do. That’s why I walk through the process with you. We learn that forgiveness doesn’t make the offender right; it just makes us free. We also see that forgive and forget is not a biblical concept. Instead it’s forgive and set boundaries.

Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is ourselves, and many times we find that we have to forgive God because He didn’t do things the way we thought He should.

You present a powerful prayer exercise to help people unpack their emotional baggage in the chapter on Provision. What can you tell us about that?

Years ago a wonderful Christian counselor taught me this life-changing prayer exercise to help me dump the anger, hurt and resentment of my abuse. Until that point, I thought I would have to bear the burden of my painful childhood forever. But I walked out of her office that day a new person. I have had the privilege of sharing this gift many times in my office and now, I am sharing it for all to read. It’s enough that abuse victims have experienced pain, we don’t have to keep reliving it. We can be set free, thank God!

You tell Donetta’s story of healing and your own story in a way that keeps us turning the pages to see what’s going to happen next. Have you always been a storyteller?
I’ve always loved stories especially ones I can relate to. I recently published two stories in Chicken Soup for the Chocolate Lover’s Soul and one in Chicken Soul for the Tea Lover’s Soul and now What I Leaned From My Dog, due out in October 2009. I believe everybody has a story—a string of stories that make up life. In fact one of the steps in my book to turn pain into praise is to write down those moments in your life when God shows up—the stories of his faithfulness. I call them “Monumental Moments.” After writing down my monumental moments for years, I filled a book with stories that was recently published by Warner Press.

My book of stories, Better Than Jewels: 31 Days of Biblical Insight for a Woman Seeking God is a devotional that starts each day with a scripture from Proverbs and a short relevant story to illustrate that verse. In it, I share more of how God miraculously intervened in my life to turn Tennessee trailer trash into a fully loved follower of Christ! It’s currently available through Barnes & Noble, or on my website

The pain in your life hasn’t hindered your sense of humor, has it?

I hope not! My goal for all the books I write is for the reader to laugh, learn, and leave each page feeling closer to the Lord.

Are you working another book?

Yes. My working title is You Can Fix Stupid: Seven Savvy Choices for Mind, Body and Soul. I deal with people everyday who are in terrible situations that were preventable. I want to give folks information to make better choices and avoid being “stupid.” I am working on a blog on my website that addresses these issues.

What else is on your agenda?

I love speaking and since my books have come out, God has opened doors for me to share with groups all over the world. Folks in today’s busy culture like to have teaching material accessible to play in their cars or on their computers. So I am making CD sets available for each of my retreat topics. Each set has 4, forty-minute talks in a handy labeled holder. They are available on my website

Joy for the Journey: Peace For Your Path reviews some of the topics in 12 Ways to Turn Your Pain Into Praise.
He Delights in You: Rest in His Love helps the listener make the 12-inch drop from the head to the heart to truly understand how crazy God is about His kids—namely the one sitting in your seat!
Communication Drive: The Road to Caring Communication is a series presented at a communication workshop that teaches you how to “talk with the hand” not talk to the hand as often happens when we find ourselves in conflict!
Stress Management for the New Millennium: What to Do When Your Reality Check Bounces to offer tools to help the listener deal with the anxiety, anger and depression that modern culture manufactures. I’ve recently finished a series on how to get the most out of your prayer life. Women’s retreats are my passion and I would love to speak at yours. You can contact me on my website.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your book?

Since the book’s release last fall I have heard feedback from readers and I can say with confidence that whether you are seeking tools to empower those you are helping or needing the tools to transform yourself, you will walk away from this book spiritually stronger as you learn to:
• remove your offender’s face from God and stop blaming Him for life’s pain
• stop renting space in your head to bad memories and offenses
• relinquish the stinkin’ thinkin’ that causes you to emotionally circle the drain
• stay constantly connected to Christ with time-tested tools to process your pain
• realize your full potential as you seek God’s divine purpose for your life.

Closing: Thanks so much for having me on your blog. I hope your readers will visit me online at Please remember that God deeply desires to turn your pain into to praise.

July 21, 2009 at 1:47 pm Leave a comment

Review of She Still Calls Me Daddy

She Still Calls Me Daddy by Robert Wolgemuth is excellent gift for any father of the bride. It would also make a great belated father’s day gift. At the end of each chapter is a  remodel check list that reviews the important points.  Wolgemuth uses remodel language through out the book to help the audience relate. Wolgemuth shares with the audience his personal reflections from his own wedding day and his daughters, as well as the biblical perspective of being a father- in-law. He stresses the importance of communication through out the whole book. He provided great godly advice for the in-laws about how to deal with bride and groom.

Wolgemuth talked about how the role of the father changes  how dad’s  go from being Chief Excutive Dad to a side line observe as a father -in law. He discussed how when your daughters are little a dad’s job is to protect their body and their heart and after they are married a dad’s role is protect his daughter’s marriage. While your daughters are growing up according to Wolgemuth a dad’s role is like a prophet and after they are married it becomes the role of a priest.

He uses biblical examples of father-in laws. He uses Saul to show the negative example of being a father- in law.  Jethro and Moses relationship is highlighted  to show the positive example of being a father-in law.  According to  Wolgemuth   praying for the couple and developing a relationship with your son-in law are some of  the most important things a father-in-law can do.

The advice given in the book can assist with any family, dealing with married children.

June 24, 2009 at 4:45 pm Leave a comment

Gift Book about Desmond Tutu

I have read two books from the ME WE series published by Blue Mountain Arts publishing. The book titled Believe is about Desmond Tutu. I had heard about Tutu and once set up the audio visual equipment at a Hotel he spoke it. I got to see him briefly in passing. I knew he was famous religious figure, but I didn’t really know anything about him.

All the books in the Me We Series start with an introduction by Desmond Tutu. The introduction talks about ” Ubuntu, which is a central African philosophy: the essence of what it is to be human (page 3)

Half the book is a brief but through biography of Desmond tutu and the second half is excerpts from his sermons dealing with the idea of believe. The ” Believe” theme comes from the idea that Tutu has always believed there is good in humans.

The book offers excellent quotes from Tutu sermons that support that believe and ubuntu.

June 20, 2009 at 2:28 am Leave a comment

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